Bee Net Zero

Local companies partner up for energy savings

  • Posted By The Growth Company

Cost Savings


Tonnes of CO2e Saved


Grant Funding

The Overview

Springhill Hospice, a registered charity founded in 1989, offers specialist palliative care to patients and their families at its purpose-built facility in Rochdale.

Although some income is generated through NHS contracts and grants, the Hospice is reliant on community fundraising for 70 per cent of its running costs, which now stand at over £3.2 million a year.

The Challenge

To help reduce both costs and the risk of power outages from excessive energy demand, in early 2018 the Hospice sought support from the Business Growth Hub to improve its energy efficiency.

Specialist advisors visited the Hospice and installed energy loggers on-site to monitor energy consumption patterns and advise on ways to reduce peak energy usage. One of the measures identified was to replace existing lighting with energy efficient LEDs.

We are delighted to be working with such a forward thinking client as Springhill Hospice and help them in their extremely worthwhile work by providing a tailored solution that enables their move towards a more sustainable future.

Ben Holt Hot Energy

The Solution

The Hub sent out a call through its Low Carbon Network of local green technology providers to find a suitable and reputable supplier, and one of those to respond was Holt Energy - a Manchester-based consultancy that offers independent energy and resource efficiency services.

Established since 2009, Holt Energy has been working with the Business Growth Hub’s green tech and services team to build its growing profile in Greater Manchester as a popular, impartial service able to design and implement best-value, tailored solutions for clients.

Springhill Hospice was impressed with Holt Energy’s high quality proposal and selected them to install LED lighting throughout its premises. The new lighting, which will pay back in just over one year, has improved light levels in the building while lowering annual energy consumption by 133MWh - saving around £14,500 in energy costs and 51 tonnes of carbon per year.

Ben Holt, managing director of Holt Energy, added: "We are delighted to be working with such a forward thinking client as Springhill Hospice and help them in their extremely worthwhile work by providing a tailored solution that enables their move towards a more sustainable future."

"Working once again with the Business Growth Hub’s team has been a pleasure and we are extremely grateful to them for their work in promoting our industry and helping Manchester be the place to go for green products and services in the UK."