Bee Net Zero

Sustainability webinar series Cut Carbon Cut Costs helps Greater Manchester businesses remain resilient

  • Wednesday, September 6, 2023
  • Posted By The Growth Company

The Growth Company’s Skills for Growth – SME support programme has helped Greater Manchester businesses navigate the rise in energy bills and the challenges presented by climate change with a 4-part series of Sustainability webinars called ‘Cut Carbon Cut Costs’.

Featuring expert advice from Net Zero and Sustainability advisors from The Growth Company, the webinars were able to offer unrivalled intel, recommendations, and expertise to assist Greater Manchester SMEs on their journey to net zero.

During the 4-week period, the Cut Carbon Cut Costs webinars have allowed attendees to gain a greater understanding of climate change and the energy market, renewable energy alternatives for business, and realise the importance of engaging with your workforce to introduce climate policies.

With Sustainability practices and requirements becoming increasingly embedded in business activities and processes, this series provided insightful content which will allow businesses to remain competitive.

The series gained great attendance and popularity during the course of the 4-weeks, demonstrating that Greater Manchester's SMEs are focused on addressing Sustainability within their businesses, with over 64% of those polled having already produced an environmental policy.  

Greater Manchester has set a science based target to become a net-zero city-region by 2038. The Growth Company delivers services which will help the city-region to meet its carbon reduction goals. As part of the Skills for Growth – SME Support programme, SMEs can access fully funded training courses, including a Journey to Net Zero course. This course is ideal for those that want to get on the path to net zero emissions but aren’t sure where to start.

With learning objectives delivered through workshops, study material, one-to-one advice and shared learning, participants can gain an understanding of how to:

• Understand your environmental priorities

• Implement cost and carbon cutting actions

• Use data to make decisions on resource efficiency opportunities

• Build the business case for investments in low carbon technologies

• Engage your staff and suppliers on environmental issues and solutions

• Build your reputation as a green business

• Commit to a long-term strategy to net zero



Sustainability Webinar Series Available Now

The webinar series is now available to watch on demand, simply click on the images to view.


Webinar 1 - Understanding climate change and government support to reduce energy bills

  • Understand what climate change and CO2 are, key definitions  
  • Impact on the environment 
  • Benefits of taking action  
  • Why energy costs are so high 
  • What Government support is available to reduce energy bills 



Webinar 2 - Save money on your energy bills and practical steps to reduce energy use

  • Understand energy bills and potential savings  
  • Quick tips to reduce energy use and costs  
  • Benefits of renewable energy for business 
  • Benefits of electric vehicles and incentives available 



Webinar 3 – What is the role of Sustainability on winning tenders and new business

  • Benefits of a Net Zero motivated workforce  
  • How to engage staff in sustainability and energy efficiency  
  • How to create an effective environmental policy  
  • How to use an environmental policy and green credentials to win new business and tenders 


Webinar 4 – How a sustainable marketing strategy can lead to competitive advantage

  • How to develop a green marketing strategy  
  • Benefits of cutting carbon and reducing business environmental impact  
  • How to positively market green credentials   
  • How to avoid the pitfalls of greenwashing